Legal Requirements

Text requirements

  • INCIs for INCI relevant products (please find here a list of INCI relevant product types + a formatting orientation)
  • Manufacturer specifications for foodstuff and supplements (please see here an example how we need the information)
  • Marking of potential allergens for foodstuff and supplements (please see here an example how allergens can get marked)


Product name
Needs to correspond to the official sales description of the food.
Product description
At the end of the product description, the name/company, address and country of the manufacturer or the distributor must be given:

Text how to use
According to Art. 14 of the Food Information Regulation the application text must contain the following information:

  • Storage instructions
  • If necessary, special information on the instructions for use
  • Ingredients (INCIs)
  • List of ingredients/allergens (allergen marks must be in BOLD and in CAPITAL LETTERS)
  • Nutrition information
  • Nutrition information must be uploaded as the last product image:


  • Seperation of the ingredients  only by comma (,) and no  other seperation signs 
  • Please do not use the word  “INGREDIENTS“ in front of the  ingredient list 
  • Do not use a dot (.) at the end  of the ingredient list
  • No HTML tags
  • Only list ingredients in the  ingredient list   

WEEE Nummer

  • Every electronic tool, which is listed in our online shop, has to have a „WEEE-Reg.-Nr.“
  • The „WEEE-Reg.-Nr.“ has to be provided by the supplier (maintained by „Stammdaten“ department) 
  • Example WEEE number: WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE12345678“

Advertising of medicinal products & medical devices

  • Prohibition of statements that attribute a therapeutic effect to products that they do not have
  • The false impression must not be created that success can be expected with certainty
  • The false impression must not be created that prolonged use will not have a harmful effect
  • The false impression must not be created that health is impaired by non-use
  • It is forbidden to make untrue statements about the composition or nature of the products
  • It is prohibited to advertise the prevention/relief/elimination of certain diseases
  • Advertising relating to „normal illnesses“ such as colds, herpes, neurodermatitis is permitted
  • The indications of the medicinal products must match the subject of the advertising

Mandatory information of medicinal products & medical devices

  • The name of the medicinal product (cf. Section 4 para. 1 no. 2 HWG)
  • The indications for use (cf. § 4 para. 1 no. 4 HWG)
  • The warnings, insofar as they are prescribed for the labeling of the containers and outer packaging (cf. § 4 para. 1 no. 7 HWG)
  • When advertising to laypersons (i.e. always in our case!), the following text must also be clearly legible (see Section 4 (3) HWG): „For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.”