PRIMA Requirements & Examples

For Product Pictures please use PRIMA Tool to load up product assets following our requirements.

Regarding our global system please load up assets in Global Catalogue (if legally right and internationally usale).

File Format
.tif  / jpg.  / png
– Image Compression: LZW
– Pixel Order: Interleaved (RGBRGB)
– Byte Order: IBM PC

File Format.tif  / jpg.  / png
– Image Compression: LZW
– Pixel Order: Interleaved (RGBRGB)
– Byte Order: IBM PC
File Size– 1063 x 1063 pxl – aspect ratio 1:1
– 150 dpi
– Max 4 MB
We cannot guarantee image quality if size and resolution are not respected.
Image AmountMin. 3 images   (Make-up articles + blob)  
Max. 9 images (Make-up articles + blob)
File Name One of these naming conventions must be fulfilled:

Douglas Article Number: 204424.tif (.jpg / .png) or
EAN Number: 3614272508224.tif (.jpg / .png)

The first one has no additional ending number OR ending number _0.
Name the images in order with _1.tif.

1. Image: 204424.tif (plain Douglas Article Number or EAN Number) / 204424_0.tif
2. Image: 204424_1.tif (.jpg / .png)
3. Image: 204424_2.tif (.jpg / .png)
4. Image: 204424_3.tif (.jpg / .png)
5. Image: 204424_4.tif (.jpg / .png)
6. Image: 204424_5.tif (.jpg / .png)
7. Image: 204424_6.tif (.jpg / .png)
8. Image: 204424_7.tif (.jpg / .png)
9. Image: 204424_8.tif (.jpg / .png) (only model image – product applied on model)  (please see below for detailed information about model images)

Colour Samples: Mandatory at all variant articles (articles that come in different sizes and colors)

Douglas Article Number: 204424_blob.jpg (.tif / .png)

EAN Number: 3614272508224_blob.jpg (.tif / .png)

Layout – Product is centred
– Product fills 96% of the area
– Without shadow or reflection
– White background – RGB: 255, 255, 255 – CMKY: 0,0,0,0 – HEX: #ffffff
– Attention: If main image is incorrect the whole gallery will be rejected!

Model Image
(Make-up products only)
We use the hover effect on the listings pages to show customers the applied product, so they get an idea what the products look like.  
EanNummer_8.tif or DouglasArticleNumber_8.tif must depict the product applied.
No other picture is allowed here!  
If this image is not provided and named corretly, hover effect will not be displayed

Images by Product Group

Correct Model Image:

False Model Image:

Please note that all products need to be displayed vertically – not horizontally:

Image Examples  (minimum amount of images!)


  • Article front view without cover
  •  Article front view with closed lid
  •  Detailed texture view
  •  Model view (must be named as _8.tiff (.jpg/ .png) for the hover effect on category pages)
  • Don’t forget the blob


  • Article front view (product closed)
  • Article front view with packaging
  • Image of ingredients


  • Article front view (product closed)
  • Article back or side view
  • Detailed view


  • Article front view
  • Article back or side view
  • Detailed view
  • Model view 


  • Display of the entire product with front and back
  • Detailed view (e.g. closing mechanism)
  • Article back, if it is not visible on the first picture


  • Display of the article with special detail
  • View of the complete article
  • Detail view (e.g. of the closure)
  • Model view 

Colour Samples (all items that come in different colors)

Every decorative product (MAKE-UP) must be shown in the original colour. We show this once in the main picture and once in the form of a swatch.

Colour Samples ImagesRequirements

File Format.jpg .tif .png
File Size150 x 150 pxl – aspect ratio 1:1
File NameOne of those naming conventions must be fulfilled:
Douglas Article Number: 204424_blob.jpg (.tif / .png)
EAN Number: 3614272508224_blob.jpg (.tif / .png)
Layout– 100 % filled out
– No shadows
– No reflections

Multicoloured Products

If the product contains more than one colour, the swatch must also contain all colours.
The structure must also be recognizable.

White Products

If one of the colour samples is white, set the colour in the colour sample image to #F1F0EC.
Avoid using #FFFFFF because the colour swatch won’t be visible otherwise.