To best present your brand in the web shops and app we need the following information and files:
IMPORTANT: Please provide us this information at least 3 weeks before your products are delivered to us.


Brand Logo SVG (mandatory)

Your brand logo will be shown on the product page and brand category page. It can also appear on other Douglas pages. To make sure your logo will be presented in the best resolution, respect the requirements:

Vector-Based File FormatPlease provide the following logo file:
svg (svg-files do not require a minimum height)
Background transparent
FontsFonts have to be vectorized 
Logo ColoursProvide a logo that has a good contrast on white, so that the logo is clearly visible.
CroppingDon’t add any safe zone or white space around your logo. Safe zones will be added via code.


If you have different versions of your logo, choose the wider one. 
Your logo should contain as little information as possible as it will be shown within a limited height. The logo is presented within an html container with landscape dimensions, so if possible it is best to provide a logo with more width than height. Avoid complex graphics and including slogans with the logo.
For reference provide a simple enough logo to be printed clearly on the side of a pen. 

Brand Visuals (mandatory)

Brand Line Visuals (if neccesssray)

File Format.jpg
File Size1116 x 744 pxl aspect ratio 3:2
Image for BrandProvide a clean, sophisticated image.
Not allowed: assembling logo, slogans or other text on image. Brand and line description will be shown next to the image via code.
Optional are Images for Brand LinesAdditional visual per line