Brand Text and Videos

Brand Description (mandatory)

Brand Line Description (if necessary)
!Please use our excel file to transfer the brand information.!
Please deliver us the Brand Text at least in GERMAN

Brand DescriptionPlease describe the brand with maximum 500 characters including blanks. Please provide us a translated Version for all Countries in our sheet ( DE-EN-FR-PL-NL-IT).
Optional are Brand Line DescriptionAdditional description possible per product line.
FormattingAvoid adding any formatting styles e.g. »bold, italic, underline, bullet points except inserting paragraphs.


Product Videos (if necessary) – Requirements

File FormatPreferred: MP4; AVI Other options: WMV, MP4, M2P, MP2, MPG, MPEG, FLV, MXF, MTS, M4V, 3GP, MP3, WAV
File SizeAspect ratio: 16:9 – min. 300 pxl wide
File NameOne of those naming conventions must be fulfilled: Douglas Article Number: 204424.MP4 EAN Number: 3614272508224.MP4
LanguageGerman or English with subtitles
ContentBrand image videos or how-to-videos. Don’t deliver animated product images as a video.
LengthShort, about 30 seconds
Please send Videos to your Ecom Master Data Manager Contact. (Soon via PRIMA. We’ll keep you posted)